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afforest 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. establish a forest on previously unforested land; "afforest the mountains"
  2. (afforestation) the conversion of bare or cultivated land into forest (originally for the purpose of hunting)
  3. To make into forest
  4. (Afforestation) Establishment of forest crops by artificial methods, such as planting or sowing on land where trees have never grown.
  5. (Afforestation) the establishment of trees on an area that was not forested before
  6. (Afforestation) Planting trees where there were none before.
  7. (Afforestation) is the planting of trees or seeds on land which is otherwise not occupied for the purpose of building a forest.
  8. (3.1 AFFORESTATION) Afforestation may be a legal term or a process of stocking land. In the case of the latter, we group the definitions into those that imply a change in land cover only and those that imply a change in land cover and use. ...
  9. (Afforestation) Generally refers to the planting of trees on ground where trees have never existed or were last present hundreds of years ago. Afforestation carbon offset projects bear an additional burden of showing ecological compatibility.
  10. (Afforestation) forest re-growth after damage or disturbance.
  11. (Afforestation) involves converting land to forest or woodland (in this case a 'forest' must meet certain standards) . In Kyoto terms 'afforestation' would refer only to ecologically sound woodlands, i.e. not monocultural plantations. ...