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afar 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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At or to a distance,
  1. At or to a distance
    • - our hero traveled afar
    • - for months he had loved her from afar

  1. (old-fashioned) at or from or to a great distance; far; "we traveled afar"; "we could see the ship afar off"; "the Magi came from afar"
  2. The Afar (Qafár, Feera: ዐፋር ʿāfār, عفار, አፋር āfār) are an ethnic group in the Horn of Africa who reside principally in the Danakil Desert in the Afar Region of Ethiopia, as well as in Eritrea and Djibouti. They number 1,276,374 people in Ethiopia (or 1. ...
  3. Afar (Qafár af) is a Lowland East Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. It is believed to have 1.5 million speakers, the Afar. The basic word order in Afar, like in other East Cushitic languages, is subject object verb. ...
  4. Afar (አፋር) is one of the nine ethnic divisions (kililoch) of Ethiopia, and is the homeland of the Afar people. Formerly known as Region 2, its current capital is Asayita; a new capital named Semera on the paved Awash - Asseb highway is under construction.
  5. American Foundation for Aging Research
  6. Apologies for Absence Received.