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aeronautics 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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The science or practice of travel through the air,
  1. The science or practice of travel through the air

  1. the theory and practice of navigation through air or space
  2. (aeronautical) of or pertaining to aeronautics
  3. Aeronautics (from Greek ὰήρ āēr which means "air" and ναυτική nautikē which means "navigation, seamanship", i.e. "navigation of the air") is the science involved with the study, design, and manufacture of flight-capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft. ...
  4. Aeronautics is a 2005 album by the German power metal band Masterplan.
  5. The design, construction, mathematics and mechanics of aircraft and other flying objects; The theory and practice of aircraft navigation
  6. The science and art of flight, encompassing the functioning and ownership of aircraft vehicles from balloons to those that travel into space.
  7. Concerned with flight within the Earth's atmosphere.
  8. the width of an airfoil from leading to trailing edge
  9. a word that came from the Greek word for "air" and "to sail;" the study of flight and the operation of aircraft
  10. The science or art of flight