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aeration 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the process of exposing to air (so as to purify); "the aeration of the soil"
  2. the act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervescent
  3. (aerate) air out: expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers"
  4. activate: aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
  5. (aerate) oxygenate: impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen; "oxygenate blood"
  6. (aerated) (of a liquid) treated by having air passed or bubbled through it for purification
  7. Aeration (also called aerification) is the process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance.
  8. (aerate) To supply oxygen or air
  9. (aerate) Loosening or puncturing the soil to increase water penetration.
  10. (Aerate) To incorporate air to make ingredients lighter, such as whipping cream.
  11. (Aerate) To pass dry ingredients through a fine-mesh sifter so large pieces can be removed. The process also incorporates air to make ingredients like flour, lighter.
  12. (aerate) To dissolve air in a liquid. Beer wort must be well aerated before pitching to allow for healthy growth and reproduction of the yeast. This can be done in any one of several ways.
  13. (Aerate) To mix air into solution to provide oxygen for the yeast.
  14. (aerate) Exposing wine to the air in preparation for drinking it. The intention is to allow off-odors to escape from older wines, or to soften the harshness of younger wines. Wines are aerated by decanting and/or swirling in glasses of proper size and proportion.
  15. (Aerate) To loosen the soil in order to allow in air
  16. (aerate) supply with air or expose to air circulation
  17. (AERATE) Loosening the soil for better water penetration.  Important in garden planters and garden soils.
  18. (Aerate) Also known as breathe. A wine opens up after it is intentionally put in contact with air and the harsh tannins of a young wine will be softened.
  19. (Aerate) This refers to a manual process whereby an air stream is blown onto paper sheets to create a riffling effect that separates the sheets as they are fed to the printing press.
  20. (Aerate) To expose a product to air.
  21. (Aerate) To introduce oxygen into the wort (suspension that will be fermented into ale) by means splashing, stirring, or forcefully pouring water into.
  22. (Aerate) When your liquid is fermenting, this is the yeast you've added eating up the sugars in your liquid to create alcohol. Usually this happens in an airtight container. To aerate simply means to introduce air into this liquid in a controlled way to help the yeast do its job quicker.
  23. (Aerate) means to poke a few holes in the soil to get air into the soil (a pencil works for this, or a chopstick). Roots need oxygen almost as much as they need water. In the ground, worms do the aerating. In containers, it's a good idea for you to aerate.
  24. (aerate) ("aeration, aerify, aerification, punch") a machine is used to punch small diameter holes in ground that has been compacted over time to loosen soil and allow oxygen and nutrients to get to the roots of the grass (usually thought of with respect to putting greens, but all grass areas ...
  25. (aerate) To force air and oxygen into livewells to keep fish or bait alive.