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adz 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. an edge tool used to cut and shape wood
  2. Amiga Disk File aka ADF is a file format used by Amiga computers and emulators to store images of disks. It has been around almost as long as the Amiga itself, although it was not initially called by any particular name. ...
  3. An adze is a tool used for smoothing rough-cut wood in hand woodworking. Generally, the user stands astride a board or log and swings the adze downwards towards his feet, chipping off pieces of wood, moving backwards as he goes and leaving a relatively smooth surface behind. ...
  4. Alternative spelling of adze
  5. ax-like tool used by trail maintenance to hack at stuff. Good for shaping wood in a trailish manner.
  6. Type of double-sided swing tool used to reduce large geometric areas from logs.
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