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adulteration 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. being mixed with extraneous material; the product of adulterating
  2. the act of adulterating (especially the illicit substitution of one substance for another)
  3. (adulterate) load: corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor"
  4. (adulterated) adulterate: mixed with impurities
  5. Adulterants are chemical substances which should not be contained within other substances (eg. food, beverages, fuels for legal or other reasons). ...
  6. Wine fraud is a form of fraud in which wines are sold to a customer illicitly, usually having the customer spend more money than the product is worth, or causing sickness due to harmful chemicals being mixed into the wine. ...
  7. (adulterate) to make impure; to contaminate
  8. (Adulterated) To make a product impure by adding an improper substance like drugs above safe levels set by the US Food and Drug Administration.
  9. (Adulterated) 1. Any pesticide whose strength or purity falls below the quality stated on i...
  10. (Adulterated) A substance that is not expected to be present in human urine that is identified in the specimen. A substance that is expected to be present in human urine is identified at a concentration so high that it is not consistent with human urine. ...
  11. (Adulterated) Something unneeded has been added to or has grown in the food to contaminate it.
  12. Due to the high cost of many Essential Oils, the practice of adulteration is tempting for some manufacturers as an effort to either reduce their prices or increase their profits. It is impossible for a 1/2 oz of Jasmine to cost less than $10 unless it has been adulterated or diluted in some way. ...
  13. A sample has been "adulterated" when it contains substances not present normally or at normal physiologic concentrations in urine such as nitrite, chromate, bleach, acids or bases, aromatic substances, and surfactants (soaps or detergents).
  14. The addition of foreign material to a specimen so that it will invalidate a test.
  15. deliberate contamination of foods with materials of low quality.
  16. Play being controlled or spoiled by adults
  17. Pure essential oils are changed in some way – usually diluted or mixed with synthetic fragrances.
  18. Mixing something impure with something genuine, or an inferior article with a superior one of the same kind.
  19. the process by which a drug is made impure or inferior by the addition of an improper substance.  Additionally, other drugs are often adulterated with active substances in order to increase the desired effects or to make users think they are getting a more potent drug.
  20. Adding of extraneous, improper or non-condimental substances to the Hoodia gordonii product/s in forms of silica, saw dust etc.
  21. Contamination or spoilage.