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adsorb 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adsorbs, 3rd person singular present; adsorbed, past participle; adsorbing, present participle; adsorbed, past tense;
  1. (of a solid) Hold (molecules of a gas or liquid or solute) as a thin film on the outside surface or on internal surfaces within the material
    • - charcoal will not adsorb nitrates
    • - the dye is adsorbed onto the fiber

  1. accumulate (liquids or gases) on the surface
  2. Adsorption is the process of attraction of atoms or molecules from an adjacent gas or liquid to an exposed solid surface. Such attraction forces (adhesion or cohesion) align the molecules into layers ("films") onto the existent surface.
  3. To accumulate on a surface, by adsorption
  4. (Adsorbed) The attraction of compounds in solution to a mineral surface.
  5. Adsorbed water is water bonded to the mineral surface. It cannot be removed by oven drying.
  6. (adsorption) The adhesion in an extremely thin layer of molecules (as of gases, solutes, or liquids) to the surfaces of solid bodies or liquids with which they are in contact.
  7. (Adsorption) Action to collect molecules of a substance on a surface.
  8. (Adsorption) The attachment of compounds to the chemically active groups on the surface and in the pores of an ion exchange resin.
  9. (Adsorption) The process in which matter adheres to the surface of an adsorbent.
  10. Adsorption is the binding of a molecule to surface (solid or liquid) by non-specific physical forces.  For example, the removal of free chlorine and chloramines by activated carbon is through the mechanism of adsorption.
  11. (Adsorption) the attachment of gas molecules, ions, or solutions to the surface of solids. For example, odors from freezers and refrigerators are adsorbed to baking soda.
  12. (Adsorption) Removal of a pollutant from air or water by collecting the pollutant on the surface of a solid material; e.g., an advanced method of treating waste in which activated carbon removes organic matter from waste-water.
  13. (adsorption) The process by which carbon filters trap chemicals.
  14. (Adsorption) The water treatment process used primarily to remove organic contaminants from water. Adsorption involves the adhesion of the contaminants to an adsorbent such as activated carbon.
  15. (Adsorption) The bonding of chemicals to soil particles or other surfaces.
  16. Adsorption is a chemical process in which an ionic filter media is use. The filter attracts water contaminants and encourages these contaminants to break their bond with the water molecules.
  17. Adsorption, which is often confused with absorption, refers to the adhering of molecules of gases and liquids to the surfaces of porous solids. Adsorption is a surface phenomenon; absorption is an intermingling or interpenetration of two substances.
  18. (adsorption) The concentration of a substance on the surface of another substance, which is usually solid.
  19. (Adsorption) adhesion of the molecules of gases, liquids, or dissolved substances to a solid surface, resulting in relatively high concentration of the molecules at the place of contact; e.g. the plating out of an anti-wear additive on metal surfaces.
  20. (Adsorption) physicochemical phenomenon in which a chemical accumulates on the surface of a solid (at its interface with air, water…) or any other liquid or gaseous fluid.
  21. (ADSORPTION) The adherence of dissolved colloidal or finely divided solids onto the surface of solid particle or body in which they come into contact.
  22. (ADSORPTION) The binding of a chemical (e.g., drug or poison) to a solid material such as activated charcoal or clay.
  23. (ADSORPTION) The process whereby small particles (e.g. clay) attract and hold ionic constituents.
  24. (Adsorption) (in CCS) A material attracting carbon dioxide  to its surface so it can be captured
  25. (Adsorption) A process in which carbon captures contaminants or particles by electric charge.