- entree: the right to enter
- admission: the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic"
- In electrical engineering, the admittance (Y) is the inverse of the impedance (Z). The SI unit of admittance is the siemens (symbol S). Oliver Heaviside coined the term in December 1887.
- The reciprocal of Impedance (1/Z).
- a copy of an entry in a court roll, admitting an individual to a copyhold or customary tenancy in the manor. More and Example
- Admittance of an AC circuit is analogous to the conductivity of a DC circuit, it is the reciprocal of the impedance of an AC circuit.
- The reciprocal of electrical impedance; admittance is expressed in the same units as conductance (mhos) and impedance in the same units as resistance (ohms).
- The measure of how easy alternating current will flow. Measured in siemens.
- Particuarly, the giving possession by the lord of copyhold land to a person.
- Admittance and Surrender are procedures which relate to Manorial courts whenever copyhold land changes hands, an event which would generally allow the Lord of the Manor to charge a fine. The powers of manorial courts declined over the centuries but were not finally abolished until 1925. ...
- entrance, ingress, foreword, induction, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue, antecedent, elementary