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adjutant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adjutants, plural;
  1. A military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer

  2. A person's assistant or deputy

  3. A large black-and-white stork with a massive bill and a bare head and neck, found in India and Southeast Asia

  1. an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
  2. adjutant bird: large Indian stork with a military gait
  3. A lower-ranking officer who assists a higher-ranking officer with administrative affairs; An assistant; A bird in the genus Leptoptilos of the stork family Ciconiidae; The noun used as a modifier (e.g. adjutant officer)
  4. an officer selected by the chief signal officer from the subalturns who acts to communicate the orders of the chief signal officer and has duties in respect to his department or detachment assimilated to those of an assistant adjutant-general of an army
  5. The senior staff officer of a regiment, the Adjutant handled all administrative details and paperwork. He assigned the duty of both officers and men, such as for guards and detachments.
  6. An officer, usually a senior Captain that serves as an administration assistant to the Commanding Officer. His main roles are non-logistical and concentrate on correspondence on behalf of the CO, the issuing of orders and other such administration.
  7. An officer, usually a captain, with office in headquarters, who is in charge of the details work of a regiment; the mouth piece of the Colonel.
  8. A staff officer who transmits orders, details, and mounts guards, etc. The Adjutant-General is the principal staff officer of the army; he supervises the camp, and is the organ of the general commanding.
  9. a staff officer who takes care of all official correspondence with the exception of combat orders.
  10. Captain Sayed Ali Ansar
  11. assistant - 4 misses