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adjuration 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something
  2. (adjuratory) earnestly or solemnly entreating; "in adjuratory terms"
  3. (adjuratory) containing a solemn charge or command
  4. (adjure) bid: ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
  5. (adjure) command solemnly
  6. a grave warning
  7. (adjure) To issue a formal command, especially in a legal context; To earnestly appeal or advise
  8. (Adjure) To command someone as if they were under oath.
  9. (adjure) (v) tilеk etеrgе, tilеrgе
  10. (adjure) To charge a person to do something as though on oath.
  11. A solemn appeal whereby one person imposes on another the obligation of speaking or acting as if under an oath (Sa1 14:24; Jos 6:26; Kg1 22:16). We have in the New Testament a striking example of this (Mat 26:63; Mar 5:7), where the high priest calls upon Christ to avow his true character. ...
  12. A swearing; taking an oath to be truthful.
  13. A formula used by conjurers and exorcists dealing with evil spirits. The spirit is commanded in the name of the Christian God to obey the conjurer/exorcist.