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adjunct 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adjuncts, plural;
  1. Connected or added to something, typically in an auxiliary way
    • - other alternative or adjunct therapies include immunotherapy
  2. (of an academic post) Attached to the staff of a college in a temporary or assistant capacity
    • - an adjunct professor of entomology
    • - both adjuncts and tenured professors tend to inflate grades
  1. A thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part
    • - computer technology is an adjunct to learning
  2. A person who is another's assistant or subordinate

  3. A word or phrase used to amplify or modify the meaning of another word or words in a sentence

  1. something added to another thing but not an essential part of it
  2. accessory: furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other"
  3. of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another
  4. a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence
  5. Adjuncts are unmalted grains (such as corn, rice, rye, oats, barley, and wheat) used in brewing beer which supplement the main mash ingredients (such as malted barley), often with the intention of cutting costs, but sometimes to create an additional feature, such as better foam retention.
  6. An appendage; something attached to something else in a subordinate capacity; A person associated with another in a subordinate position; A dispensable phrase in a clause or sentence that amplifies its meaning, such as "for a while" in "I typed for a while"; Symploce
  7. (adjuncts) unfermentable additives that add to the flavour or texture of the finished brew
  8. (Adjuncts) Term used to describe cereals, which, when used in conjunction with malted barley, provide a useful and economical secondary source of fermentable sugar. These adjuncts include maize, wheat and rice.
  9. (Adjuncts) Any grain added to barley-malt for beer-making., especially rice, corn and roasted malt.
  10. (Adjuncts) Anything that is added to the wort other than fermentable barley malt, in order to achieve the desired flavour.
  11. (Adjuncts) Ingredients added to the malt in the preparation of the beer to improve the flavour and to improve the alcohol content. Examples are flaked rice or maize.
  12. (Adjuncts) Materials rich in sugar or starch used to substitute malt.
  13. (Adjuncts) Starches, other than malted barley and wheat, such as corn, rice, and sugar, which dilute the flavor and character of the malt and function as cheap fermentable sugars. Samuel Adams' beers contain no adjuncts.
  14. (Adjuncts) Unmalted additives that provide fermentables. Unmalted corn or rice used in the brewing of beer from barley malt are adjuncts. Pure sugar can be thought of as an adjunct.
  15. (Adjuncts) are sources of fermentable sugars other than malted grain.They serve a myriad of purposes, such as adding distinctive flavors, lightening color and body, and boosting alcohol content without affecting taste.
  16. Grains (such as rice, corn, maize, or wheat) used in addition to malted barley to make a beer. They tend to lighten the flavor of a beer and produce alcohol.
  17. Any unmalted grain used in making beer. It's starches must be gelatinized and mashed with the enzymes from malted grains, in order to turn them into sugars. It is very undesirable to put unconverted starches into your beer.
  18. Fermentable material used as a substitute for traditional grains, to make beer lighter-bodied or cheaper.
  19. any substitute unmalted grain or fermentable ingredient added to a mash. Reduces cost and produces lighter-bodied, paler, and less malty beers.
  20. Any fermentable, unmalted grain or ingredient, other than barley malt, added to the mash to provide fermentable sugars in the brewing process, including corn, corn sugar, oats, wheat and rice. ...
  21. n : 1. a word or word group that qualifies or completes the meaning of another word or other words and is not itself a main structural element in its sentence;  2. ...
  22. something joined or added to the original. Adjunct therapy or treatment is a treatment that is given in addition to the main or primary treatment.
  23. Any non-enzymatic fermentable. Adjuncts include: unmalted cereals such as flaked barley or corn grits, syrups, and sugars.
  24. One way in which this term is used is to denote an optional constituent typically used to specify e.g. the time, place or manner in which an event takes place. ...
  25. [descriptive: lexicogrammar x interpersonal x structural x clause rank] Interpersonal clause function: constituent that is not an alternative Subject (in contrast to a Complement). ...