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adjudge 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adjudges, 3rd person singular present; adjudged, past tense; adjudged, past participle; adjudging, present participle;
  1. Consider or declare to be true or the case
    • - she was adjudged guilty
    • - he was adjudged to be offensive
  2. (in legal use) Award something judicially to (someone)
    • - the court adjudged legal damages to her
  3. (in legal use) Condemn (someone) to pay a penalty
    • - the defaulter was adjudged to pay the whole amount

  1. declare: declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
  2. To declare to be; To deem or determine to be
  3. (ADJUDGED) is a judgment decision by the umpire.
  4. To determine by a judge; to pass on and decide judicially.