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adipose 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(esp. of body tissue) Used for the storage of fat,
  1. (esp. of body tissue) Used for the storage of fat

  1. composed of animal fat; "adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat"
  2. (adiposeness) adiposity: having the property of containing fat; "he recommended exercise to reduce my adiposity"
  3. This is a list of fictional creatures and aliens from the long-running BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who. It covers alien races and other fictional creatures, but not specific characters. Individual characters are listed in separate articles.
  4. animal fat stored in the tissue of the body; of, related to, or composed of fat; fatty
  5. (adiposeness) The state or quality of being adipose
  6. Tissue made up of mainly fat cells.
  7. This word means fatty; consisting of or containing fat.
  8. The scientist's name for fat tissue or body fat.
  9. Fat, either white or brown; of a fatty nature
  10. fat tissue, a protective cushion that gives contour and smoothness to the body.
  11. Latin adeps = fat, hence fatty
  12. Fatty; having to do with fat.
  13. TISSUE Storage site for fat.
  14. Fatty, pertaining to fat
  15. Accessory dwelling unit