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adhesion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adhesions, plural;
  1. The action or process of adhering to a surface or object
    • - the adhesion of the Scotch tape to the paper
  2. The frictional grip of wheels, shoes, etc., on a road, track, or other surface
    • - the front tires were struggling for adhesion
  3. The sticking together of particles of different substances

  4. Allegiance or faithfulness to a particular person, party, or set of ideas
    • - he was harshly criticized for his adhesion to the old bureaucracy
  5. An abnormal union of membranous surfaces due to inflammation or injury
    • - endoscopic surgery for pelvic adhesions

  1. abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen
  2. a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures
  3. adhesiveness: the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion"
  4. attachment: faithful support for a cause or political party or religion; "attachment to a formal agenda"; "adherence to a fat-free diet"; "the adhesion of Seville was decisive"
  5. adhesive material: a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
  6. (adhesive) tending to adhere
  7. Adhesion is any attraction process between dissimilar molecular species that can potentially bring them in "direct contact". By contrast cohesion takes place between similar molecules.
  8. Adhesions are fibrous bands that form between tissues and organs, often as a result of injury during surgery. They may be thought of as internal scar tissue.
  9. An adhesive, or glue, is a mixture in a liquid or semi-liquid state that adheres or bonds items together. Adhesives may come from either natural or synthetic sources. The types of materials that can be bonded are vast but they are especially useful for bonding thin materials. ...
  10. (Adhesive (band)) Adhesive was a Swedish political punk band that was active between 1994-2002. Though Adhesive played the majority of their concerts in the band's native Sweden, they also toured throughout Europe and North America. ...
  11. The ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance; Persistent attachment or loyalty; An agreement to adhere; An abnormal union of surface by the formation of new tissue resulting from an inflammatory process
  12. (adhesions) abnormal bands of tissue that grow between the joint surfaces, restricting motion.
  13. (ADHESIONS) Scarring that binds together the surfaces of tissues inside the abdomen or uterus.
  14. (adhesions) scar tissue that forms between loops of bowel after surgery performed in the abdominal cavity.
  15. (Adhesions) Bands of scar tissue caused by surgical procedures, endometriosis, or infections. Adhesions connect two organs together, affecting normal reproductive function.
  16. (Adhesions) Fibrous tissues that bind tissues and/or organs that would normally not be bound together. Adhesions are also called scar tissue.
  17. (Adhesions) A fibrous band holding together or uniting the surfaces of other tissue that is normally separated. Adhesions in the abdominal cavity usually involve the intestines and are caused by inflammation, trauma, or surgery. ...
  18. (Adhesions) Connective tissue fibers that anchor adjacent structures together.
  19. (Adhesions) Normally, soft-tissues structures are often joined together by tough adhesive fibers. These are stable, strong structures. When adhesions form abnormally due to injuries, they can cause restrictions in movements and lead to further soft-tissue injuries.
  20. (Adhesions) Scar tissue inside the abdomen that may cause loops of intestines to stick together and sometimes cause a blockage known as a bowel obstruction. ...
  21. (Adhesions) The union between tissue surfaces usually found either side of a wound following surgery.
  22. (Adhesions) Union of separate surfaces by the formation of new tissue.
  23. (Adhesions) abnormal attachment of scar tissues, usually inside the peritoneal cavity, which may interfere with normal fertilization.  Often caused by surgery or infection.
  24. (Adhesions) nonfunctional fibrotic cross-links between muscles layers, fasica or neural tissues. They prevent normal range of motion and functioning and form as a result of trauma, repetitive use, etc.
  25. (Adhesive) A chemical that causes two surfaces to stick together.