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adduce 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adduced, past participle; adduces, 3rd person singular present; adducing, present participle; adduced, past tense;
  1. Cite as evidence
    • - a number of factors are adduced to explain the situation

  1. advance evidence for
  2. (adducing) citing as evidence or proof
  3. An allegation (also called adduction) is a claim of a fact by a party in a pleading, which the party claims to be able to prove. Allegations remain assertions without proof, until they can be proved.
  4. To bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration which bears on a statement or case; to cite; to allege
  5. to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis.
  6. To present, offer, bring forward, or introduce.
  7. To present as evidence in court.