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(esp. as a direction) In slow tempo,
  1. (esp. as a direction) In slow tempo

  1. A movement or composition marked to be played adagio

  1. (of tempo) leisurely
  2. (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully); "they played the adagio too quickly"
  3. slowly; "here you must play adagio"
  4. a slow section of a pas de deux requiring great skill and strength by the dancers
  5. The Adagio in G minor for strings and organ continuo is a neo-baroque composition by Remo Giazotto first published in 1958. ...
  6. Ballet is a formalized type of dance; ballet dance is usually performed on stage as part of a ballet dance work which includes mime, acting, and is set to music. Dancers can perform either en pointe or demi-pointe; in ballet class, the dancers work either at the barre or in centre floor.
  7. Adagio is a French symphonic progressive metal band. Stephan Forté, the band's guitarist, is considered the creative force behind Adagio. The band has so far released four studio albums and one live album.
  8. Adagio is the name given to a specific set of partner acrobalance or acrobalance movements. Adagio originated in Eastern Europe, and is the most commonly taught of the circus acrobalance arts. Adagio involves transitions between various stationary balances. They involve one flier and one base. ...
  9. In musical terminology, tempo (Italian for time, plural: tempi) is the speed or pace of a given piece. It is a crucial element of composition, as it can affect the mood and difficulty of a piece.
  10. Adagio is a server-only computer program for the peer-to-peer Gnutella2 network. It is a multi-OS client written in the Ada programming language. ...
  11. A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played rather slowly, leisurely and gracefully; A passage having this mark; A male-female duet or mixed trio ballet displaying demanding balance, spins and/or lifts; describing a passage having this mark; played rather slowly
  12. A slow tempo, slightly faster than a Largo, examples include Barber's Adagio for Strings.
  13. Slow, an indication of tempo used as a playing direction in music
  14. Italian term describing a slow tempo (66 - 76 beats per minute).
  15. slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (66–76 bpm)
  16. at ease; i.e., play slowly
  17. Slow; slower than andante, faster than largo.
  18. slow speed (not too slow)
  19. Italian tempo marking indicating that a composition should be played at a slow pace.
  20. Form of acrobatics & acrobalance where moves are performed in a slow & controlled manner.
  21. Acrobatic act, generally involving a man and a woman, presented in a slow or romantic mood.
  22. A balletic dance with lifts and balances, set to a leisurely pace, performed by a man and one or two women.
  23. Italian for 'slow'. Often used in titles of music, particularly in Sonatas and similar styles of music
  24. Medium slow in tempo, approximately 66 - 76 bpm
  25. A slow, leisurely tempo, often considered to be slower than andante, but not quite as slow as largo. Slow movements of a piece are sometimes titled Adagio.