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adage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adages, plural;
  1. A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth
    • - the old adage “out of sight out of mind.”

  1. proverb: a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
  2. Advertising Age (or AdAge) is a magazine, delivering news, analysis and data on marketing and media. The magazine was started as a broadsheet newspaper in Chicago in 1930. ...
  3. An old saying, which has obtained credit by long use; An old saying, which has been overused or considered a cliché; a trite maxim
  4. A saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language.
  5. a proverb or wise saying made familiar by long use
  6. The part of the class where slow, flowing, controlled movements are combined to develop grace, beauty and balance.
  7. (add-idg) / Aphorism (af-uh-riz-uhm) / Cliché (kla-shay)
  8. [Italian adagio: "at ease"]. The second part of a ballet class: slow work with emphasis on sustained positions and on balance.
  9. ad age/What is accumulated every birthday.
  10. slow and controlled (Italian)