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actuary 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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actuaries, plural;
  1. A person who compiles and analyzes statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums

  1. statistician: someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums)
  2. (actuarial) of or relating to the work of an actuary
  3. An actuary is a business professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty. Actuaries provide expert assessments of financial security systems, with a focus on their complexity, their mathematics, and their mechanisms .
  4. Actuarial science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries. Actuaries are professionals who are qualified in this field through education and experience. ...
  5. registrar, clerk; A professional who calculates financial values associated with uncertain events subject to risk, such as insurance premiums or pension contributions
  6. (Actuarial) As used in planned giving, refers to the factors used to calculate the value of lifetime payments to individuals or organizations.
  7. (Actuarial) A statistical method.
  8. (Actuarial) An actuary is a professional with expertise in technical aspects of insurance rates, rating mechanisms, rating plans and schedules of insurance companies. They calculate the probabilities of uncertain outcomes that can occur in the future and draw a financial conclusion. ...
  9. (Actuarial) Deals with the mathematics and probabilities of insurance. Ensures evaluation of risk, adequate premium payment and other statistical studies for all type of risks that are underwritten.
  10. (Actuarial) Refers to the statistical calculations used to determine the managed care company's rates and premiums charged their customers based on projections of utilization and cost for a defined population.
  11. FCIC publishes actuarial data by eligible crop by county.  The county actuarial document book contains County Coverage and Rate Table, Special Provisions of Insurance, and Classification documents for some crops.
  12. (actuaries) The insurance professionals who perform the mathematical analysis necessary for setting insurance premium rates.
  13. Listing of actuaries who provide actuarial services to captive insurance companies.
  14. (Actuaries) Analyze statistical data, such as mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates and construct probability tables to forecast risk and liability for payment of future benefits. ...
  15. (Actuaries) Professionals who analyze the financial consequences of risk. Social Security actuaries make projections about population, immigration, life expectancy, economic growth, inflation and productivity growth.
  16. (Actuaries) The mathematical experts behind pension and life assurance schemes. They calculate mortality tables to show how long the average person of any age will live, so as to establish the necessary premium levels.
  17. Insurance contracts and retirement plans require professional calculation of payments to be received and benefits to be paid. An actuary analyzes all probability and risk estimates based upon past experiences to confirm obligations are pragmatic and attainable.
  18. A professional who mathematically analyzes and determines the price of the risk associated with providing insurance coverage. An actuary may also determine the anticipated cost of providing future benefits. ...
  19. A specialist in the mathematics of insurance who calculates rates, reserves, dividends and other statistics. (Americanism: In most other countries the individual is known as "mathematician.")
  20. An insurance professional skilled in the analysis, evaluation, and management of statistical information. Evaluates insurance firms’ reserves, determines rates and rating methods, and determines other business and financial risks.
  21. A statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums. Actuaries keep us profitable and financially stable by setting prices, assessing trends, and determining how much to hold in reserve to pay claims.
  22. A person trained in mathematics whose job is to apply the theory of probability to the business of insurance to develop insurance rates. This is done largely from past experience, though future probable trends are also taken into account.
  23. A mathematician employed by an insurance company to calculate premiums, reserves, dividends, and insurance, pension, and annuity rates, using risk factors obtained from experience tables.
  24. A mathematician working for a health insurance company responsible for determining what premiums the company needs to charge based in large part on claims paid verses amounts of premium generated. Their job is to make sure a block of business is priced to be profitable.
  25. is an independent person who is professionally qualified to give advice as to the financial position of the scheme.