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activism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change,
  1. The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change

  1. a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal
  2. (activist) militant: a militant reformer
  3. (activistic) activist: advocating or engaged in activism
  4. Activism consists of intentional action to bring about social, political, economic, or environmental change. This action is in support of, or opposition to, one side of an often controversial argument. ...
  5. The practice of using action to achieve a result, such as political demonstration or a strike in support of or in opposition to an issue
  6. (activist) one who is politically active in the role of a citizen; especially, one who campaigns for change; one who is conspicuously more active in carrying out any occupational or professional functions
  7. (activist) n. one who seeks change through action
  8. (Activist) A person who participates in protest actions.  Anyone involved in a cause, usually political.
  9. (Activist) A person who does something about environmental (and other) problems, instead of just bitching about them.  Synonym: citizen.
  10. (Activist) A person who takes up and campaigns for a social or political cause, for example affordable housing or migrant rights
  11. (Activist) Fascist Union of Youth · German American Bund · Russian Fascist Organization · Union of Fascist Little Ones · Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys) · Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls)
  12. (Activist) an especially active, vigorous advocate of a cause, i.e. political cause.
  13. (activist) n (person who is active in an organization or party) aktivulo; (agitator; person who arouses interest in a political, social or religious cause) agitisto
  14. (activist) n. a type of secular evangelist plentiful in Boulder both in numbers and variety: there are student activists, peace activists (the nation looks to Boulder for leadership in international affairs), not to mention environmental, choice, life, gun, abortion, neighborhood, and just all- ...
  15. The term 'activist' describes a learning style where a person learns best when faced with new experiences and can just 'get on with it' rather than have to listen to all the information about it beforehand. ...
  16. (Activists) This term is often used to describe Palestinians engaging in violent acts such as shooting, rock-throwing or launching mortars. Read More
  17. Activism means taking action with the goal of changing a political or social situation. Activists use heaps of different tactics in their protests, including writing letters, organising petitions, blogging, boycotting, holding marches, rallies and strikes and, at its most extreme, even guerrilla ...
  18. Promoting social change. In a religious sense, the term is often used by Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Christians to refer to the expression of the gospel in various ways, including missionary outreach and social reform.
  19. The noble pursuit of saving the world by destroying the old Capitalist structure and replacing it with the new Inclusive Redistributionist paradigm of Utopian Global Governance. ...
  20. Encouragement of evangelism (the act of sharing one's beliefs) -- in organized missionary work or by personal encounters and relationships with others.
  21. the attitude of taking an active part in events, especially in a social context.