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activator 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (biology) any agency bringing about activation; a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription
  2. An activator is a DNA-binding protein that regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription. The activator may increase transcription by virtue of a connected domain which assists in the formation of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme, or may operate through a coactivator. ...
  3. In phosphors and scintillators, the activator is the element added as dopant to the crystal of the material to create desired type of nonhomogeneities.
  4. Enzyme activators are molecules that bind to enzymes and increase their activity. These molecules are often involved in the allosteric regulation of enzymes in the control of metabolism. ...
  5. (The Activators) The Activators are a children's entertainment group whose mission is to combat childhood obesity by engaging young children ages two to six in physical activity.
  6. (Activators) Chemicals which can be applied directly to a surface, substrate or mixed with an adhesive to speed up the solidification of an adhesive.
  7. (Activators) 1 Added active items which enable an otherwise inert material to demonstrate improved properties, eg cement with ground granulated blast-furnace slag. 2 see 'regulators'.
  8. (Activators) are toy vehicles with instant transformation at the push of a button.
  9. One or more ingredients in a flux that create a wettable surface for solder, by removing oxides and possibly other contaminants when coming into contact with the metal on the parts to be soldered. ...
  10. A chemical used in elastomer compounding in small quantities to increase the effectiveness of an accelerator. (Example, stearic acid.)
  11. A chemical added to a pesticide to increase its activity.
  12. Curing agent of a two pack coating system.
  13. Chemical ingredients added to hair products to speed up a specific process (i.e., curl activators, heat activators) without damaging the hair.
  14. A protein that binds to DNA and stimulates transcription of a specific gene.
  15. A protein transcription factor with a positive effect on gene expression. (Compare repressor.) An activator may work in conjunction with one or more co-activators. ...
  16. A chemical additive used to initiate the chemical reaction in a specific chemical mixture.
  17. Shock or MPS (Monopersulfate), used as an oxidizer for sanitation of spas.
  18. a substance (as a chloride ion) that increases the activity of an enzyme (compare COENZYME); a substance given off by developing tissue that stimulates differentiation of adjacent tissue ; also : a structure giving off such a stimulant
  19. activators are additives to the compost pile which contain a nitrogen source or sugars. Their purpose is to increase microbial activity. Generally, adequate nitrogen organic waste is the only activator needed. ...
  20. A removable growth guidance orthodontic appliance, originally developed by Pierre Robin, Viggo Andresen and Karl Haupl, with later modifications by Schwarz, Bimler, Balters, Franker, Fleischer, Peters, etc. Also called a functional appliance.
  21. An Activator is anything that snaps a person out of Alpha Mode and into Beta. Any time something familiar, unusual, or problematic enters the Reticular Activator, the brain becomes “activated,” hence the name.
  22. Particle in a fluorescent substance that causes the substance to glow when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  23. An instrument which utilizes a light force to adjust the spine.  It is also the name of a chiropractic technique which focuses on the use of this instrument.  It was designed by Dr. Arlan Fuhr, and delivers a quick and precise adjustment to the spine to help reduce subluxations.
  24. chemical which initiates the vulcanization of an elastomer.
  25. A device that enables an EAS security label to go from an inactive to an active state.