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activation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
  2. energizing: the activity of causing to have energy and be active
  3. making active and effective (as a bomb)
  4. (activate) trip: put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
  5. (activate) make active or more active; "activate an old file"
  6. (activate) aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
  7. Activation in (bio)chemical sciences generally refers to the process whereby something is prepared or excited for a subsequent reaction.
  8. Activate is an independent student newspaper at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa.
  9. (Activate (song)) "Activate" is a song by the Christian pop punk band, Stellar Kart, from their second album, We Can't Stand Sitting Down. ...
  10. (activational) Of or pertaining to activation
  11. (activate) To put into action, to put to work; To turn on
  12. (Activate) To turn on, supply power, or enable systems, equipment, or devices to become active by normal operating controls. Examples include turning on the gas or water supply valves to the fixtures and appliances and activating electrical breakers or fuses.
  13. (activate) In biology, to stimulate a cell in a resting state to become active. This causes biochemical and functional changes in the activated cell.
  14. (Activate) To prevent fraud, many card issuers require you to call them when you receive your new card in the mail to verify that the correct person has received it. Until proper ownership is confirmed, the card may not be activated.
  15. (activate) To validate the contents of a policy set and make it the active policy set.
  16. (Activate) To change an adhesive film from a dry stage into a useful tacky state.
  17. (Activate) Anytime a Magic or Trap card is played, it's considered activated. You cannot chain to a card effect that is not an activated effect. Certain continuous Magic and Trap cards can be activated even after they are active, while others cannot. ...
  18. (Activate) To put an activated ability onto the stack and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. See rule 602, "Activating Activated Abilities."
  19. (ACTIVATE()) assumes that the specified task has already been declared using a TASK statement and added to the task list by BUILD_C_TASK().  The task's action function is typically either an infinite loop or a finite routine that ends with a Halt() instruction (which is itself an infinite loop). ...
  20. (ACTIVATE) to put a unit into existence, that has been previously constituted or commissioned by name and number, so it can be ORGANIZEd to function in its assigned capacity. ...
  21. (Activate) "When a bean is read into a container from secondary storage and added to the working set, it is known as activation."
  22. (Activate) Also Activation A programming process which loads an object into memory, putting the object into an executable or running state. Also, the process of binding an object so as to put the object into its running state. ...
  23. (Activate) Process of commence lease billing.
  24. (Activate) Remove test messages from your surveys and allow full public access to them (see Launch & Activate).
  25. (Activate) The iPhone has two levels of SIM card protection. The first is in the baseband and requires some form of unlock to bypass. The second is in the operating system and requires either iTunes or a hacked lockdownd (hactivation) in order to bypass. ...