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acting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The art or occupation of performing in plays, movies, or television productions,
  1. Temporarily doing the duties of another person
    • - acting director
  1. The art or occupation of performing in plays, movies, or television productions
    • - she studied acting in New York

  1. acting(a): serving temporarily especially as a substitute; "the acting president"
  2. the performance of a part or role in a drama
  3. (actor) a theatrical performer
  4. (actor) a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"
  5. Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually, speaking or singing the written text or play. ...
  6. Master Thespian was a recurring character on American sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live. Played by Jon Lovitz, Master Thespian was a ruthlessly ambitious egomaniacal actor who spoke with a plummy "Shakespearean" English accent and often elicited the sympathy of other characters in the ...
  7. In law, when someone is said to be acting in a position it can mean one of three things.
  8. An Acting rank, is a military designation allowing an commissioned- or non-commissioned officer to assume a rank—usually higher and usually temporary—with the pay and allowances appropriate to that grade. As such, an officer may be ordered back to the previous grade. ...
  9. ACTED is a non-governmental organization. It was founded in 1993 as a private, non-political non-profit, headquartered in Paris. ACTED stands for Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement or Technical Cooperation and Development Aid Agency.
  10. An actor or actress (see terminology) is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity. ...
  11. An intended action or deed; Pretending; The occupation of an actor; The deeds or actions of parties are called actings to avoid confusion with the legal senses of deeds and actions; Temporarily assuming the duties or authority of another person when they are unable to do their job
  12. (actor) a person who performs in a theatrical play or film; one who acts; a doer; one who takes part in a situation; An advocate or proctor in civil courts or causes; One who institutes a suit; plaintiff or complainant; One who enacts a certain policy action; The entity that performs a role ...
  13. the player acted only when he or she passes
  14. (Actor) A man who tries to be everything but himself
  15. (actor) A person, male or female, who performs a role in a play or an entertainment.
  16. (actor) a person who plays the role of a character in a film or a play. In the past, the term "actor" referred exclusively to males whereas female actors were called "actresses." Today the term "actor" is used to refer to both men and women. See also actor star.
  17. (actor (instance)) Someone or something, outside the system that interacts with the system.
  18. (actor) A person or thing that is external to the system but which interacts with the system to perform an action in a use-case model. See use-case model.
  19. (ACTOR) Dreaming of the performance of a great actor or actress is a sign that you will be surrounded by luxury; dreaming that you are an actor means that you will win success in whatever calling you adopt; to forget your lines foretells an unpleasant experience.
  20. (ACTOR) Umbrella term for persons and entities which comprises authorities, market player and stakeholder.
  21. (Actor(s)) (actress(es) - still used in Europe for female actors)
  22. (Actor) (UML 1.4): An actor defines a coherent set of roles that users of an entity can play when interacting with the entity. An actor may be considered to play a separate role with regard to each use case with which it communicates.
  23. (Actor) 1. A person or organization that may be the owner of agents that either seek to use services or provide services. 2. A physical or conceptual entity that can perform actions. Examples: people; companies; machines; running software. An actor can take on (or implement) one or more roles. ...
  24. (Actor) A person or object within a social network
  25. (Actor) A specialization of a resource needed to perform an activity.