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acronym 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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acronyms, plural;
  1. An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII, NASA)

  1. a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name
  2. (acronymic) characterized by the use of acronyms
  3. Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations that are formed using the initial components in a phrase or name. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux). ...
  4. (Acronyms) An acronym is an abbreviation coined from the initial letter of each successive word in a term or phrase. ...
  5. (Acronyms) abbreviations for programs, laws, conditions, etc. used among professionals and families in the industries. Here is a printable list of acronyms that are commonly used.
  6. (Acronyms) A list of acronyms is provided for reference purposes while using this web site.
  7. (Acronyms) A word formed from the first letters of a name, for example: AQF for Australian Qualifications Framework.
  8. (Acronyms) Abbreviations in which the initial letters of the words in the name are written and spoken as a single word, e.g., NADE Affix A morpheme attached to a word root, a prefix, or a suffix.
  9. (Acronyms) BT Technology, Information, and Publications
  10. (Acronyms) Click here to read a few words about acronyms in the context of consumers.
  11. (Acronyms) I have created several pages that include as many abbreviations as possible for one person, but keep in mind that new ones are being made up all the time. If you do not find what you are looking for, come back soon because it may have been added. ...
  12. (Acronyms) Many things get abbreviated on the internet, and makeup is no different. If you’ve seen one and don’t know what it is, MakeUpAlley has an excellent abbreviation list that should help you!
  13. (Acronyms) Phrases that are abbreviated by using letters from the phrase (NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
  14. (Acronyms) Sets of initials used as shorthand to refer to particular phrases (such as C.E.O. for Chief Executive Officer) (covered in Speak for Success Speech Lesson 5).
  15. (Acronyms) What do those darn Acronyms mean? Subsequent to the development of this glosssary starting in 1997, web search engines have done a pretty good job at documenting acronyms. We suggest that for any that are missing here, you try this site.
  16. (Acronyms) What happens to lazy fans who couldn't be bothered to write the full name of books or characters. Their excessive usage can make comprehension by fandom outsiders difficult. At UnknowableWiki, the standard book acronyms are PS, CS, PA, GF, OP, HBP, and DH. They should be used sparingly.
  17. (Acronyms) are a type of abbreviation usually formed by the first letters of each word in a phrase or name but may include additional letters in some instances, for example SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get), RADAR (Radio Detection and ...
  18. (Acronyms) are used in slang, mainly for purposes of fun or language economy knr meaning 'rumour', formed from the initial letters of the phrase "keegi naine rääkis" ('some woman said').
  19. (Acronyms) by BUNN - Thursday, June 23, 2011, 04:44 PM
  20. (Acronyms) forming by taking the initial sounds or letters of the words of a phrase and uniting them into a combination that is itself pronounceable as a separate word: NATO.
  21. (Acronyms) not be confused with initialism, are indispensable to understanding the workings of the university. ...
  22. A name made up of the initial letters of a multi-word term or official title. An acronym appears in parentheses following the term.
  23. A word composed of the initials of other words. The top of the obverse of euro banknotes features the acronyms of the European Central Bank (ECB) in all its possible variants in the official languages in the European Community.
  24. Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning
  25. A shortened form of a word or compound term usually formed from its initial letters.