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acrimony 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Bitterness or ill feeling,
  1. Bitterness or ill feeling
    • - a quagmire of lawsuits, acrimony, and finger-pointing

  1. bitterness: a rough and bitter manner
  2. (acrimonious) marked by strong resentment or cynicism; "an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce"
  3. Acrimony was a Welsh stoner metal band who were active during the 1990s. Releasing their debut album in 1994, they are regarded as the pioneers of stoner metal in the United Kingdom, and an important influence upon the scene. ...
  4. (Acrimonious) Hatred (or hate) is an intense feeling of dislike. It may occur in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects or animals, to hatred of oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or everything. ...
  5. (acrimonious) Of or pertaining to acrimony, words, arguments, quarrels: bitter; mean-spirited; sharp in language or tone
  6. (Acrimonious) resentful and angry; sharp or harsh in language or temper
  7. (acrimonious) bitter and caustic in temper, manner, or speech.
  8. (n.) bitterness, discord (Though they vowed that no girl would ever come between them, Biff and Trevor could not keep acrimony from overwhelming their friendship after they both fell in love with the lovely Teresa.)