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achiever 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success"
  2. Image:Enneagram.svg|Enneagram figure (click the numbers for type profiles)|thumb|300px
  3. One who achieves; a winner
  4. (Achievers) find it enjoyable to gain power, level up, and generally to “win” the game (to the extent that an ongoing, never-ending game can be “won”).
  5. (Achievers) One of Bartle’s gamer classifications in which players prefer to gain points, levels, equipment and other concrete measurements of succeeding in a game. Achievers go to great lengths to achieve rewards that confer them little or no gameplay benefit simply for the prestige of having it.
  6. (achievers) A psychographic market segment of consumers who have high income, are work-oriented and politically conservative; they favor established products but like to show off their success.
  7. One of three types in business.  They arrive on time and won’t want to waste a minute.  They keep time, don’t stray off topic and leave as soon as the meeting is over.
  8. a person who achieves a high level of success, especially in their career.