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ached 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aching, present participle; ached, past tense; aches, 3rd person singular present; ached, past participle;
  1. (of a person) Suffer from a continuous dull pain
    • - I'm aching all over
  2. (of a part of one's body) Be the source of such a pain
    • - my legs ached from the previous day's exercise
  3. Feel intense sadness or compassion
    • - she sat still and silent, her heart aching
    • - she looked so tired that my heart ached for her
  4. Feel an intense desire for
    • - she ached for his touch
    • - he was aching to get his hands on the ball

  1. (aching) causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints"
  2. (aching) ache: a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain