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acculturate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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acculturated, past participle; acculturates, 3rd person singular present; acculturating, present participle; acculturated, past tense;
  1. Assimilate or cause to assimilate a different culture, typically the dominant one
    • - those who have acculturated to the U.S
    • - the next weeks were spent acculturating the field staff
    • - an acculturated Cherokee

  1. assimilate culturally
  2. (acculturation) socialization: the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"
  3. (acculturation) all the knowledge and values shared by a society
  4. (acculturation) the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
  5. (Acculturates) Acculturation is the exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous first hand contact; the original cultural patterns of either or both groups may be altered, but the groups remain distinct. (Kottak 2007)
  6. To change one's culture based on the influence of another culture; To be changed by acculturation
  7. (Acculturation) means the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of a group other than one’s own. In regard to immigrant groups, acculturation is the process of incorporating values, beliefs and behaviors from the dominant culture into the immigrants’ cultural worldview.
  8. The word "acculturation" means the process of learning a new culture, in contrast to enculturation. Often this means moving to a new society where culture is different, but it is also part of the adaptation that we need for coping while our own community changes (ie develops) around us. ...
  9. (acculturation) The process by which people in one culture or subculture learn to understand and adapt to the norms, values, life styles and behaviors of people in another culture or subcultures. ...
  10. (acculturation) A socialization process by which members of a minority adopt the customs of the dominant group, while maintaining a separate cultural identity.
  11. (Acculturation) Process of adopting only certain customs that will be to their advantage
  12. (Acculturation) The process of acquiring a “second culture,” usually as an effect of sustained and imbalanced contact between two societies. Members of the “weaker” society are compelled to adopt aspects of the dominant society.
  13. (Acculturation) The process of intense socialization that brings about an individual's integration into or adoption of another culture, especially that of a foreign country.
  14. (Acculturation) To selectively "adopt" parts of a new culture
  15. (Acculturation) refers to the processes that occur when different individuals or groups of people meet and exchange aspects of their culture. Due to advances in transportation, communication, and technology, there has been a significant increase in the interactions among different cultures. ...
  16. (acculturation) student (or teacher) adaptation to a new culture; many believe this is necessary in order for learning to occur in a foreign country
  17. a policy used by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to destroy Aboriginal Indigenous communities, specifically by replacing Aboriginal Indigenous language, culture, and values with Euro-American ones.
  18. to transmit the characteristics of one culture to members of another culture.