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accreditation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards); "a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools"
  2. (accredited) given official approval to act; "an accredited college"; "commissioned broker"; "licensed pharmacist"; "authorized representative"
  3. Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented.
  4. The giving of credentials; The act of accrediting; as, letters of accreditation
  5. (Accreditations) BioVault is the only private human tissue bank to hold and open-ended unconditional HTA license which covers every aspect of all transplantable material for human application. ...
  6. (Accredited (Accreditation)) A "seal of approval." Being accredited means that a facility has met certain quality standards. These standards are set by private, nationally recognized groups that check on the quality of care at health care facilities.
  7. (Accredited) Colleges and schools must meet requirements in academic programs, facilities, teaching, etc., to be certified by accrediting agencies. Usually, colleges must be accredited for students to receive financial aid.
  8. (Accredited) A nursing program that has been examined and approved to teach nursing, by an organization that certifies the quality of nursing education. ...
  9. (accredited) A college or program that has been certified as fulfilling certain standards by a national and/or regional professional association.
  10. (Accredited) (Last edited: Monday, 6 October 2008, 09:37 PM)
  11. (Accredited) A unit or course that can be counted towards or form part of a formal qualification from a university or TAFE.
  12. (Accredited) Approval granted by the USDA NOP for each certification agent that has demonstrated the ability to meet the requirements of the NOP Rule; only accredited certification agents may certify to the NOP Rule standards in the US.
  13. (Accredited) Approved to offer degrees at a specified level by an agency or association recognized as an accreditor nationally by the U.S. ...
  14. (Accredited) Quality of academic programs has been approved by an outside rating agency.
  15. (Accredited) Refers to a process by which a business is declared competent and credible by an overseeing third party. Educational institutions, for example, can receive accreditation, as can laboratories and health care facilities.
  16. (Accredited) When a governing body, in our case the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics and the state of Texas, has established standards for the facility itself and the facility has complied with these standards. ...
  17. (accredited) Formally confirmed by an accreditation body as meeting a predetermined standard of impartiality and general technical, methodological, and procedural competence. [NIAP] (see accreditation)
  18. (accredited) Officially recognized as maintaining standards that qualify students for more education or for work in a certain profession.
  19. (ACCREDITING) That that grants to somebody a credit, a loan.
  20. A determination by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc. that an eligible organization satisfactorily complies with all applicable standards.
  21. Project validators and credit verifiers will need to be accredited if their professional services are to be used by project developers to secure Kyoto compliant carbon credits.
  22. A process through which child care programs voluntarily meet specific standards to receive endorsement from a professional agency. ...
  23. Having official recognition by a national government through a government body, government department, Act of Parliament or Royal Charter with reference to a set of government approved standards. ...
  24. Approval of colleges and universities by nationally recognized professional associations or regional accrediting bodies.
  25. Refers to official recognition by State or Territory vocational education and training authorities concerning the contents and standards of a course. ...