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accounted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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accounted, past participle; accounted, past tense; accounting, present participle; accounts, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Consider or regard in a specified way
    • - her visit could not be accounted a success
    • - he accounted himself the unluckiest man alive

  1. (accounting) a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions"
  2. (accounting) a system that provides quantitative information about finances
  3. (accounting) accountancy: the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
  4. (accounting) a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts
  5. (accounting) account: a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month"
  6. (Accounting (UIL)) Accounting is one of several academic events sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League. The contest began in the 1986-87 scholastic year.
  7. (The Accounting) The Accounting is a 1958 novel by Scottish writer Bruce Marshall.
  8. (accounting) The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of a business or other organization; A relaying of events; justification of actions
  9. (Accounting) is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information.
  10. (ACCOUNTING) The recording, classifying, summarizing, and interpreting in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions, and events of a financial character.
  11. (Accounting) Tracking of users’ network resources
  12. (Accounting) The process of keeping track of a user's activity while accessing the network resources. Accounting data is used for trend analysis, capacity planning, billing, auditing and cost allocation.
  13. (Accounting) The process of recording, summarizing, and allocating all items of income and expense of the company and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results.
  14. (Accounting) The process of gathering and preparing of financial information about a business or other organization in a form that provides accurate and useful records and enables decisions to be made.
  15. (Accounting) The classification, analysis, and determination of the appropriate method of reporting the effects of the bookkeeping records in an organization's financial statements.
  16. Accounting could be the recording of all of the monetary transactions undertaken by the organization.
  17. (Accounting) The act of collecting information on resource usage for the purpose of capacity and trend analysis, cost allocation, auditing and billing. Accounting management requires that resource consumption be measured, rated, assigned, and communicated between appropriate parties. ...
  18. (Accounting) has been defined as "the language of business" because it is the basic tool for recording, reporting, and evaluating economic events and transactions that affect business enterprises.
  19. (ACCOUNTING) (1) As used in the sociology of deviance, accounts refers to the rationalizations that people provide for their actions. Two large groups of accounts are distinguished: justifications and excuses. ...
  20. (ACCOUNTING) The settling of the financial accounts of the estate, indicating gain/loss and disbursement decisions and actions by the fiduciary.
  21. (Accounting) (Last edited: Monday, 6 October 2008, 09:37 PM)
  22. (Accounting) A court order normally initiated by the mortgagee that requires the lender to have a certified public account audit the lender’s books to determine the correct amount owed to the lender.
  23. (Accounting) An agent is obligated to account for all money or property that belongs to his/her principal entrusted to that agent. The duty compels a real estate broker to safeguard any money, deeds, or other documents entrusted to them relative to their client's transactions of affairs. ...
  24. (Accounting) An auctioneer’s financial report to the seller detailing all sales made, money received, and money disbursed
  25. (Accounting) In probate, process of providing a report on the collection and distribution of the estate; in partnerships, an equitable proceeding in which the use and distribution of partnership funds are examined to determine whether each partner has received his or her appropriate share.