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accordingly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances,
  1. In a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances
    • - we have to discover what his plans are and act accordingly
  2. Consequently; therefore
    • - There was no breach of the rules. Accordingly, there will be no disciplinary inquiry

  1. consequently: (sentence connectors) because of the reason given; "consequently, he didn't do it"; "continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor"
  2. in accordance with; "she acted accordingly"
  3. Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable; In natural sequence; consequently; so
  4. also, anyway, besides, certainly, consequently, finally, furthermore, hence, however, incidentally, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, nonetheless, otherwise, similarly, still, subsequently, then, therefore, thus.
  5. (adverb) To show something corresponds, relates. Example: 'He was told that the project was urgent, so he accordingly worked overtime until it was completed'.