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acclimatise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. acclimatize: get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt"
  2. (acclimatisation) acclimatization: adaptation to a new climate (a new temperature or altitude or environment)
  3. (Acclimatisation) Linked to the moisture content of solid oak flooring, acclimatisation is the process of matching the moisture content of the wood to the humidity of the room where the floor boards will be laid. The longer the floor boards can be left to acclimatise before fitting the better. ...
  4. (Acclimatisation) All solid wood flooring and Bamboo flooring should be placed in the room / environment where it is going to be fitted. ...
  5. (Acclimatisation) The process by which animals become accustomed to a change in natural environmental conditions, such as occurs when fish are transferred from one river system to another, or as a result of seasonal climatic changes.
  6. (Acclimatising) allowing wood to adjust to the humidity in your home - wood expands and contracts based on the amount of moisture in the air.
  7. means to give stock time to adapt or get used to the conditions of a new environment. For example, when you're introducing new fish to a pond, you need to make sure that they get used to the conditions in the pond before you release them into it. ...
  8. (verb) Adapt, become used to something. Example: 'It can take some time to acclimatise when first moving to a new country.'