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acclaimed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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acclaiming, present participle; acclaimed, past tense; acclaims, 3rd person singular present; acclaimed, past participle;
  1. Praise enthusiastically and publicly
    • - the conference was acclaimed as a considerable success
    • - he was acclaimed a great painter

  1. (acclaim) enthusiastic approval; "the book met with modest acclaim"; "he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd"; "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved"
  2. (acclaim) praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein"
  3. (acclaim) applaud: clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
  4. An acclamation, in its most common sense, is a form of election that does not use a ballot. "Acclamation" or "acclamatio" can also signify a kind of ritual greeting and expression of approval in certain social contexts in ancient Rome.
  5. Greatly praised or lauded, revered, highly respected
  6. (acclaim) An acclamation; a shout of applause; A claim; To shout; to call out; To shout approval; to express great approval; (rare) To salute or praise with great approval; to compliment; to applaud; to welcome enthusiastically; (obsolete) To claim; To declare by acclamations; To elect ...
  7. (Acclaim) Something a good insurance agent knows how to handle.
  8. (Acclaim) A mid-range Samsung phone on U.S. Cellular.
  9. (acclaim) (v) - to applaud, to praise
  10. (acclaim) (v) : welcome loudly
  11. (acclaim) (verb) (usu. passive) to publicly say that sg is very good: His new novel has been widely acclaimed.
  12. The word acclaim also has its roots in Latin. Acclamos in Latin means to ‘call out’. To acclaim is to compliment, praise and approve.
  13. having fame, public recognition