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acceding 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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acceded, past tense; acceded, past participle; accedes, 3rd person singular present; acceding, present participle;
  1. Assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty
    • - the authorities did not accede to the strikers' demands
  2. Assume an office or position
    • - he acceded to the post of director in September
  3. Become a member of a community or organization
    • - Albania acceded to the IMF in 1990

  1. (accede) submit: yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"
  2. (accede) take on duties or office; "accede to the throne"
  3. (accede) assent: to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
  4. Accession has different definitions depending upon its application. In Property law, it is a mode of acquiring property that involves the addition of value to property through labor or the addition of new materials. ...
  5. (accede) (obsolete) To approach; to arrive; to come forward; To enter upon an office or dignity; to attain; To give one's adhesion; to join a group; to become part of a country etc; To agree or assent to a proposal or a view
  6. (accede) (v) : consent, agree