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abstraction 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abstractions, plural;
  1. The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events
    • - topics will vary in degrees of abstraction
  2. Something that exists only as an idea
    • - the question can no longer be treated as an academic abstraction
  3. Freedom from representational qualities in art
    • - geometric abstraction has been a mainstay in her work
  4. An abstract work of art

  5. A state of preoccupation
    • - she sensed his momentary abstraction
  6. The process of considering something independently of its associations, attributes, or concrete accompaniments
    • - duty is no longer determined in abstraction from the consequences
  7. The process of removing something, esp. water from a river or other source
    • - the abstraction of water from springs and wells

  1. a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in person"
  2. the act of withdrawing or removing something
  3. the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances
  4. an abstract painting
  5. abstractedness: preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else
  6. a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples
  7. Abstraction is a conceptual process by which higher, less real concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal (ie. "real" or "concrete") concepts. ...
  8. In computer science, the mechanism and practice of abstraction reduces and factors out details so that one can focus on a few concepts at a time.
  9. In linguistics, object abstraction or simply abstraction is a concept wherein terms for objects become used for more abstract concepts, developing in some languages into further abstractions such as verbs and grammatical words (grammaticalisation). ...
  10. Abstraction in mathematics is the process of extracting the underlying essence of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with which it might originally have been connected, and generalising it so that it has wider applications or matching among other abstract ...
  11. Sociological Abstraction refers to the varying levels at which theoretical concepts can be understood. This idea is very similar to the philosophical understanding of abstraction. There are two basic levels of sociological abstraction: sociological concepts and operationalized sociological concepts.
  12. (Abstract (art)) Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. ...
  13. ("Abstractions") Prudential Bank / Makati branch / Mural (1975)
  14. (ABSTRACTIONS) Words that are general rather than specific. Aircraft is an abstraction; airplane is less abstract; jet is more specific; and jet airliner is still more specific.
  15. (Abstractions) A term which means ideas rather than actual things. These reside in the mind or mental body or Intellectual Center. Quite frequently, abstractions are unique to the individual and may take the form of beliefs, ideals, or world view. ...
  16. (Abstract) A written history of the title to a parcel of real estate as recorded in a land registry office.
  17. (Abstract) Used as a noun, the term refers to a short summary or outline of a longer work. As an adjective applied to writing or literary works, abstract refers to words or phrases that name things not knowable through the five senses. ...
  18. (Abstract) a statement summarizing the essential facts contained in a document or record
  19. (abstract) A summary of a particular record or document; usually contains only the most important information from the original document; may be used instead of original documents in genealogical research
  20. (abstract) An attribute of an element to indicate that the element is only used in a hierarchy to group related elements together. An abstract element cannot be used to tag data in an instance document.
  21. (abstract) art that looks as if it contains little or no recognizable or realistic forms from the physical world. Focus is on formal elements such as colors, lines, or shapes. Artists often “abstract” objects by changing, simplifying, or exaggerating what they see. ...
  22. (Abstract) The notes made by a title examiner based on his examination of the land records. These notes are a concise summary of the transactions affecting the property. The title agency produces a BINDER from the information in the abstract.
  23. An abstract is a short summary describing the main idea or content of a work such as an article, book, or dissertation.
  24. (Abstract) a brief overview of a project; usually 1/2 page or less immediately following the face page or cover sheet. May be called an executive summary.
  25. (ABSTRACT) A very brief summary of the research study and its results or of the research proposal. It should tell you what the study tried to show, how the researchers went about it, and the main results that they found.