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abstention 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abstentions, plural;
  1. An instance of declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion
    • - a resolution passed by 126 votes to none, with six abstentions
  2. The fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something; abstinence
    • - alcohol consumption versus abstention

  1. abstinence: the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
  2. Abstention is a term in election procedure for when a participant in a vote either does not go to vote (on election day) or, in parliamentary procedure, is present during the vote, but does not cast a ballot. ...
  3. The act of abstaining; a holding aloof
  4. (abstentions) the 3: virati (q.v.).
  5. Refusal to vote either for or against a motion. A Member is not obliged to vote and if he abstains, the records of the House will reflect his abstention.
  6. Some campaigners called on people to give up buying and eating West Indian sugar. There was a small campaign in the 1780s and a much larger campaign, run by female abolitionists, in the 1820s. The word 'boycott', one more familiar today, was not used until much later.