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abstain 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abstaining, present participle; abstained, past tense; abstains, 3rd person singular present; abstained, past participle;
  1. Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something
    • - abstaining from chocolate
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol
    • - most pregnant women abstain or drink very little
  3. Formally decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion
    • - forty-one voted with the opposition, and some sixty more abstained

  1. refrain from voting
  2. choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"
  3. Abstention is a term in election procedure for when a participant in a vote either does not go to vote (on election day) or, in parliamentary procedure, is present during the vote, but does not cast a ballot. ...
  4. Refrain from (something); hold one's self aloof; to forbear or keep from doing, especially an indulgence of the passions or appetites; -- with from; To shun voluntarily; Deliberately refrain from casting one's vote at a meeting where one is present; Hinder; withhold
  5. (abstainment) An act of abstaining; an abstention
  6. (ABSTAINING) To dream that you refuse to drink any kind of alcoholic beverage is a forecast of excellent health.
  7. to abstain from voting for or against a motion, while present in the House;
  8. To hold oneself back, to refrain from or do without. To avoid a desire, negative action or habit. See: yama-niyama.
  9. if you don't vote either for or against the motion, you are said to abstain. This may be because you can't make up your mind or disagree with both opposing views.
  10. is when an IRB member does not vote on a protocol under review.
  11. During a vote on a substantive matter, delegates may abstain rather than vote yes or no. This generally signals that a state does not support the resolution being voted on, but does not oppose it enough to vote no.
  12. French for "so sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
  13. MPs might abstain in a vote. This means that they are voting neither for nor against a motion. There is a special button on their desk if they wish to abstain during a vote.
  14. As a judge, when you vote that you're not sure if a touch was made, or if made, whether it was on-target or off-target.
  15. do without/refrain (own choice), withhold (from), decline (formally)
  16. Not a word in a Gentleman's vocabulary!
  17. vi (from sex) deteni sin
  18. verzichten (auf etw)