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abscissa 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abscissas, plural; abscissae, plural;
  1. (in a system of coordinates) The x-coordinate, the distance from a point to the vertical or y-axis measured parallel to the horizontal or x-axis

  1. the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis
  2. In mathematics, abscissa (plural abscissæ) refers to that element of an ordered pair which is plotted on the horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, as opposed to the ordinate. ...
  3. (Abscissæ) A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length.
  4. The first of the two terms by which a point is referred to, in a system of fixed rectilinear coordinate (Cartesian coordinate) axes. ...
  5. This is the X coordinate on a Cartesian graph. The Cartesian system is the one that looks like a grid full of squares.
  6. A term in rectangular coordinates referring to the horizontal distance of any point from the vertical axis.
  7. The base line or X-line on a graph (the horizontal line)
  8. The x-coordinate on a graph, or it's the distance from the vertical axis (y axis). The example shows abscissa of Q as -3 and P as 5.
  9. A segment of a wing vein that is delimited by the intersection of other veins.
  10. ab (away from) + scindere (tear)