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abrogation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
  2. (abrogate) revoke formally
  3. (abrogate) To annul by an authoritative act; to abolish by the authority of the maker or her or his successor; to repeal; -- applied to the repeal of laws, decrees, ordinances, the abolition of customs, etc; To put an end to; to do away with; Abrogated; abolished. - Hugh Latimer
  4. (abrogate) (verb) to abolish or do away with
  5. (abrogate) verb - to cancel or repeal by authority; annul
  6. (ab-ro-gate) vt -gat-ed; -gat-ing [L abrogatus, pp. of abrogare, fr. ab- + rogare to ask, propose a law -- more at RIGHT] (15c)   1 : to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL   2 : to do away with   syn see NULLIFY -- ab-ro-ga-tion n
  7. (Abrogate) To abolish, anul, repeal or cancel.
  8. (Abrogate) To revoke or annul. One "abrogates" a contract, like a family agreement, by doing something expressly contrary to the agreement. One party's act of abrogation may not void the agreement, but will give the other party a cause of action.
  9. (abrogate) (v.) to abolish, usually by authority (The Bill of Rights assures that the government cannot abrogate our right to a free press.)
  10. (abrogate) v. to annul or repeal a law or pass legislation that contradicts the prior law. Abrogate also applies to revoking or withdrawing conditions of a contract.
  11. (abrogated) Repealed, annulled, cancelled, abolished by authority.
  12. To close, vacate and abandon for public use.
  13. a nullifying; a doing away with something [L. normal'>abrogare- to repeal]
  14. The destruction or annulling of a former law by an act of the legislative power, by constitutional authority, or by usage. ...