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abridged 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abridging, present participle; abridged, past tense; abridges, 3rd person singular present; abridged, past participle;
  1. Shorten (a book, movie, speech, or other text) without losing the sense
    • - the cassettes have been abridged from the original stories
    • - an abridged text of his speech
  2. Curtail (rights or privileges)
    • - even the right to free speech can be abridged

  1. (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting; "an abridged version"
  2. (abridgement) condensation: a shortened version of a written work
  3. Abridgement or abridgment is a term defined as "shortening" or "condensing" and is most commonly used in reference to the act of reducing a written work, typically a book, into a shorter form. ...
  4. cut or shortened, especially of a literary work
  5. (abridgedly) in an abridged manner, in a manner that is cut short or shortened
  6. (abridgement) An act of abridging; A shortened version; A state of being abridged
  7. (Abridging) reducing or restricting
  8. A shortened version of an original text, created by removing passages or sections of the text.
  9. condensed, shortened but keeping the main contents.
  10. October 28, 1998 HarperCollins Publishers
  11. shortened, cut in length