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abrasion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abrasions, plural;
  1. The process of scraping or wearing away
    • - the metal is resistant to abrasion
  2. An area damaged by scraping or wearing away
    • - there were cuts and abrasions to the lips and jaw

  1. an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
  2. erosion by friction
  3. grinding: the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice
  4. Abrasion is the loss of tooth structure by mechanical forces from a foreign element. If this force begins at the cementoenamel junction, then progression of tooth loss can be rapid since enamel is very thin in this region of the tooth. ...
  5. Abrasion is the mechanical scraping of a rock surface by friction between rocks and moving particles during their transport by wind, glacier, waves, gravity, running water or erosion. After friction, the moving particles dislodge loose and weak debris from the side of the rock. ...
  6. Abrasion is the process of scuffing, scratching, wearing down, marring, or rubbing away. It can be intentionally imposed in a controlled process using an abrasive. Abrasion can be an undesirable effect of exposure to normal use or exposure to the elements.
  7. The act of abrading, wearing, or rubbing off; the wearing away by friction; The substance thus rubbed off; A superficial excoriation, with loss of substance under the form of small shreds; The effect of mechanical erosion of rock, especially a river bed, by rock fragments scratching and ...
  8. (abrasions) Area(s) of a coin where a foreign object or another coin has displaced metal in an abraded fashion. Similar to a bag mark but usually on the high points or open fields and not as deep or acute as the former.
  9. (abrasions) Light friction rubbing or scuffing which is different from hairlines and bag marks. Sometimes referred to as "cabinet friction" because many times it is caused by a sliding action in a coin cabinet.
  10. (Abrasions) A marring of the surface of marble caused by physical trauma. The marring is generally very slight and homogeneous such that there is no distinguishable border and has no perceptible depth.
  11. (Abrasions) A type of external blemish that can appear on a polished gemstone that looks like tiny nicks and usually appear along facet junctions.
  12. (Abrasions) Light marks or scuffs on the metal surface generally caused by handling or packing materials.
  13. (abrasions) and lacerations scrapes and jagged tears or wounds.
  14. (ABRADED) Having a worn or rubbed appearance as a result of mechanical or chemical action. An abrasion is a localized abraded area.
  15. (Abraded) Many fashionable designer jeans nowadays are abraded, or artificially battered, to get a chic worn out look. Sometimes jeans are abraded with global sanding (using power sanding tools to abrade jeans).
  16. (Abraded) term used to described an artifically smoothed surface on which rock art was placed.
  17. (abraded) skin that is chafed, roughened, or removed by friction
  18. Loss of tooth structure caused by a hard toothbrush, poor brushing technique, or bruxism (grinding or clenching the teeth).
  19. The grinding away of a pavers surface with the use of a mechanical tool.
  20. The abnormal wearing away of tooth substance by a mechanical process.
  21. Wearing away by friction. Glass is highly resistant to abrasion from other materials, but can be damaged through contact with itself. Lubrication during processing and fabrication helps prevent abrasion.
  22. Removal of tooth structure due to rubbing and scraping (e.g. incorrect brushing method)
  23. Tiny nicks along facet junctions, producing white fuzzy lines instead of sharp crisp facet edges.
  24. The process of rubbing, grinding or wearing away by friction.
  25. A bruise or scratch on the surface of a stone.