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abrade 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abrades, 3rd person singular present; abraded, past participle; abraded, past tense; abrading, present participle;
  1. Scrape or wear away by friction or erosion
    • - a landscape slowly abraded by a fine, stinging dust

  1. wear away
  2. scour: rub hard or scrub; "scour the counter tops"
  3. (abraded) worn away by friction
  4. (ABRADED) Having a worn or rubbed appearance as a result of mechanical or chemical action. An abrasion is a localized abraded area.
  5. (Abraded) Many fashionable designer jeans nowadays are abraded, or artificially battered, to get a chic worn out look. Sometimes jeans are abraded with global sanding (using power sanding tools to abrade jeans).
  6. (Abraded) Worn away; ground down or scoured to prepare, shape, refine or polish.
  7. (Abraded) term used to described an artifically smoothed surface on which rock art was placed.
  8. (abraded) skin that is chafed, roughened, or removed by friction
  9. The process of removing the chrome finish from a steel shaft or the layer of paint from a graphite shaft prior to installation of the shaft into the head. Preferred abrading methods include sandpaper or a belt sander.
  10. to dull a platform edge so as to strengthen it in preparation for billet or pressure flaking. Go here to read an article that contains information on abrading. The piece of grinding wheel or stone that is used for abrading is called an "abrader."
  11. to scrape or grind away flashing to expose the base glass
  12. To grind or roughen up a surface by rubbing
  13. L. ab, off; radere, to scrape. To scrape, wear or rub off. abra'dent. See abrasive. abrasio. [L.] Abrasion.