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abortively 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in an unfruitful manner
  2. (abortive) failing to accomplish an intended result; "an abortive revolt"; "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President"
  3. In an abortive or untimely manner; immaturely; fruitlessly
  4. (abortive) That which is born or brought forth prematurely; an abortion; A fruitless effort or issue; A medicine to which is attributed the property of causing abortion, abortifacient - Dunglison; Produced by abortion; born prematurely; as an abortive child; Made from the skin of a still- ...
  5. (abortive) imperfectly developed; infertile.
  6. (Abortive) Ineffective, implying failure before action has begun or been completed.
  7. (Abortive) [in reproductive organs] not completely formed and therefore barren or sterile [in seeds] failed to develop normally
  8. (abortive) (adj) - unsuccessful, fruitless