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aboriginal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of human races, animals, and plants) Inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous,
  1. (of human races, animals, and plants) Inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous

  2. Of or relating to the Australian Aborigines or their languages

  1. An aboriginal inhabitant of a place

  2. A person belonging to one of the indigenous peoples of Australia

  1. of or pertaining to members of the indigenous people of Australia; "an Aboriginal rite"
  2. Aborigine: a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
  3. native: an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students"
  4. native: characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia"
  5. having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life"
  6. Australian Aborigines (Aboriginal Australians) are a class of people who are identified by Australian law as being members of a race indigenous to the Australian continent.
  7. (Aborigines (mythology)) The Aborigines in Roman mythology are the oldest inhabitants of central Italy, connected in legendary history with Aeneas, Latinus and Evander. ...
  8. An Aboriginal inhabitant of Australia, Aborigine; An Aboriginal inhabitant, person, animal, or plant native to the region. Also aboriginal; Of or pertaining to Aboriginal peoples; Of or pertaining to Australian Aboriginal peoples, Aborigines. [from earlier 19th c. ...
  9. alternative capitalization of Aboriginal; Original or indigenous to a place; alternative capitalization of Aboriginal
  10. (aboriginally) primarily
  11. (Aborigines) Chakotay says that the aliens remind him of the Australian aborigines; the aborigines believe that the dream world is no more or less real than the waking world; their creation mythology says that their ancestors actually dreamed the world into existence. (Waking Moments)
  12. (Aborigines) Latin People who first lived in a particular land. It is often used specifically to refer to the native peoples of Australia.
  13. (Aborigines) a system of mountains.
  14. (aborigines) constituencies, eccentricities, idiosyncrasies, itineraries, obituaries, preliminaries
  15. The term "Aboriginal" is appropriate when referring to matters that affect First Nations (Indian) and Métis peoples. The word is most appropriately used as an adjective (e.g., Aboriginal person).
  16. the first people to inhabit an area, such as the Ojibwa, Cree and First Nations of North America.
  17. "Aboriginal people" is a collective name for the original peoples of Canada and their descendants, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis. ...
  18. Refers to those persons who reported identifying with at least one Aboriginal group, i.e. North American Indian, Métis or Inuit.
  19. in Canada, ‘Aboriginal’ applies to status and Non-Status Indians, Inuvialuit, Inuit and Métis peoples.
  20. Existing from the beginning or from earliest days; first; indigenous
  21. The unsophisticated; inner contact with the natural life-processes within; feeling unified with nature. This often brings an intuitive wisdom. See Africa, African; black person; natives.
  22. (As used in these guidelines) First Nations, Métis, and Inuit groups.
  23. A legal category in Canada that includes Indians, Métis and Inuit
  24. an original inhabitant or native of a region or country. In the eighteenth century this term came to be associated with a native of a country colonized by European countries.
  25. Autochthon. Autochthonous.