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abolitionism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery
  2. (abolitionist) a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
  3. Abolitionism within the animal rights movement is the idea that the legal ownership of nonhuman animals is unjust, and that it must be abolished before animal suffering can be substantially reduced. ...
  4. This article refers to movements to abolish or diminish Copyright restrictions on the flow of information.
  5. (Abolitionist) Countries which do not employ the death penalty
  6. (Abolitionist) Someone who thought that slavery was wrong and should be ended. They normally felt so strongly about this that they took some kind of action. Eg getting involved in the Amistad Case.
  7. The term "abolitionism" is sometimes used to distinguish those who advocated immediate and unconditional end of slavery, and the term "anti-slavery" used as a generic term to indicate opposition to slavery. In 18th and 19th century usage, the terms were often used interchangeably.
  8. (in  capital punishment (law): The abolition movement)
  9. Active movement to end slavery in the U.S. North before the Civil War in the 1860s.