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abolition 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution,
  1. The action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution
    • - the abolition of child labor

  1. the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery); "the abolition of capital punishment"
  2. (abolitionist) a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
  3. Abolitionism within the animal rights movement is the idea that the legal ownership of nonhuman animals is unjust, and that it must be abolished before animal suffering can be substantially reduced. ...
  4. The act of abolishing, or the state of being abolished; an annulling; abrogation; utter destruction; as, the abolition of slavery or the slave trade; the abolition of laws, decrees, ordinances, customs, taxes, debts, etc; , (in British territories) The ending of the slave trade (1807) or of ...
  5. (Abolitionist) Countries which do not employ the death penalty
  6. (Abolitionist) Someone who thought that slavery was wrong and should be ended. They normally felt so strongly about this that they took some kind of action. Eg getting involved in the Amistad Case.
  7. To abolish something is to put an end to it.
  8. the abolition movement consisted of organized efforts to do away with legalized slavery, in the United States. Emancipation was gained gradually in northern states, and slavery was abolished throughout the country by the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
  9. At the outset, abolitionism was the most radical of several positions on slavery. The doctrine of "immediate emancipation," disseminated in the 1830s, was the product of eastern reformers. According to the theory of Boston's Wm. ...
  10. A movement calling for the prohibition of slavery
  11. Abolition is the act of abolishing—to end the observance or effect of—as in the abolition of slavery. Source: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.)
  12. A belief in the immediate end of slavery. Abolition grew from religious beliefs developed during the evangelical movement.
  13. "is the commitment to ending society's use of prison and policing as an answer to social problem." Read More on Critical Resistance's Definition of Abolition .
  14. The destruction, annihilation, abrogation, or extinguishment of anything, but especially things of a permanent nature—such as institutions, usages, or customs, as in the abolition of SLAVERY.
  15. Total elimination, versus the reform, of some form of oppression, enslavement, or abuse (
  16. the ending of the practice of slavery.