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aboard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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On or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle),
  1. On or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle)
    • - welcome aboard, sir
    • - the plane crashed, killing all 158 people aboard
    • - climbing aboard the yacht
  2. On or onto (a horse)
    • - with Migliore aboard, he won the cup at a gallop
  3. Into an organization or team as a new member
    • - coming aboard as IBM's new chairman
  4. On base as a runner
    • - putting their first batter aboard

  1. on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle
  2. on first or second or third base; "Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard"
  3. side by side; "anchored close aboard another ship"
  4. part of a group; "Bill's been aboard for three years now"
  5. On board; into or within a ship or boat; hence, into or within a railway car; Alongside; on base; On board of; as, to go aboard a ship; Across; athwart
  6. Referring to cargo being put, or laden, onto a means of conveyance.
  7. On or in a vessel. Close aboard means near a ship.
  8. On board. In, into or inside a vessel. Close alongside.
  9. Onboard; the opposite of ashore. Used when referring to being or doing something on the ship.
  10. In the Ship - as the Cargo is a-board. A Ship is said to fall a-board, when she runs foul of another. To get a-board the Main Tack, is to bring the Clew of the Mainsail down to the Chess-tree.
  11. Upon or in the vessel; to go aboard. A sail is aboard when it fails to fill with wind.
  12. On or in a vessel. The word comes from two sources, Latin bordure and Anglo-Saxon bord, both meaning "side," suggesting a very early mingling of the nautical terminology's of Northern and Mediterranean sailors.
  13. In or on a ship. Sometimes used in reference to being in or on a station, when there is a close-by shore facility to avoid confusion.
  14. A sign in which two sides are joined at the top by a cross brace to form an "A" shape. Often used at curbsides or outside store entrances.
  15. When something or someone is on or in a boat.
  16. Anything that is on the boat.
  17. On a naval station or ship
  18. On, or in, a water craft.
  19. On or inside the boat.
  20. On, or in, the canoe.
  21. On or within the ship