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ablution 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ablutions, plural;
  1. The act of washing oneself (often used for humorously formal effect)
    • - the women performed their ablutions
  2. A ceremonial act of washing parts of the body or sacred containers

  1. the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels
  2. (ablutionary) cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands; "ablutionary rituals"
  3. (Ablutions (Episcopal)) Ablution in religion is a prescribed washing of part or all of the body or of possessions, such as clothing or ceremonial objects, with the intent of purification or dedication."ablution." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 28 Jun. 2009
  4. Originally, the purifying of oils and other substances by emulsification with hot water; now more generally, a thorough cleansing of a precipitate or other non-dissolved substance. [from 15th c.]; The act of washing or cleansing the body, or some part of it, as a religious rite. [from 16th c. ...
  5. (ablutionary) Pertaining to ablution
  6. (Ablutions) Ceremonial washing of communion vessels and/or the ceremonial washing of the hands of the celebrant.
  7. (Ablutions) The ritual washing of the hands and face in preparation for prayer. Baha'u'llah requires ablutions as part of the daily obligatory prayer.
  8. (ablutions) the cleaning of the vessels used during communion. This is done by the chalice bearers and subdeacon in the sacristy.
  9. (Ablutions) The washing of one's body or parts of it as in a religious rite to ensure physical purification.
  10. is a term referring to washing, and can mean ordinary washing, hand washing, or washing of the body. By extension, ablutions can refer to a collection of regular activities taken to produce physical cleanliness, including washing but also tasks like oral hygiene, and shaving. ...
  11. A rainbow reassembled inside a nightgown and used for starting fires.
  12. The process of washing a solid with a liquid, usually in water. Spiritually and psychologically, it is facing one's emotions and letting feelings flow, so that innocence and purity can be restored.
  13. the act of washing oneself (or another person), typically as part of a religious rite. (Typically used in the plural, as in performed his ablutions.)
  14. Bath, shower, washing.
  15. Ceremonial cleansing of the sacred vessels (chalice and paten) after the Eucharist; washing of the celebrant’s hands; a washing or cleansing as a religious rite.