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ablate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. wear away through erosion or vaporization
  2. remove an organ or bodily structure
  3. (ablated) made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization; "the rocket's ablated head shield"
  4. (ablation) surgical removal of a body part or tissue
  5. (ablation) the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers
  6. (ablative) relating to the ablative case
  7. Ablation means removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive processes. The term occurs in spaceflight associated with atmospheric reentry, in glaciology, medicine, and passive fire protection.
  8. In linguistics, ablative case (abbreviated) is a name given to cases in various languages whose common characteristic is that they mark motion away from something, though the details in each language may differ. ...
  9. To remove or decrease something by the process of ablation; To undergo ablation
  10. The ablative case; Taking away or removing; Applied to one of the cases of the noun in some languages, the fundamental meaning of the case being removal, separation, or taking away; Sacrificial, wearing away or being destroyed in order to protect the underlying, as in ablative paints used ...
  11. (ablating) When referring to glaciers: melting, receding.
  12. (ablation) Removal of a body part or the destruction of its function, as by a surgical procedure, morbid process, or noxious substance.
  13. (ablation) Removal. In vision, ablation refers to the surgical removal of eye tissue to correct a refractive error such as myopia. For example, in laser procedures such as LASIK and PRK, the excimer laser ablates, or removes, tissue from the cornea.
  14. (Ablation) Reduction of a glacier by melting, evaporation, iceberg calving, deflation.
  15. (Ablation) The process by which ice and snow waste away owing to melting and evaporation.
  16. (Ablation) The process of removing tissue by applying energy pulses from the excimer laser onto the surface of the cornea, thus reshaping the focusing surface of the eye.
  17. (Ablation) Catheter-based procedure utilizing electrical or chemical energy to identify and eliminate the source of abnormal electrical impulses and pathways in the heart. Ablation is used to treat some forms of cardiac arrhythmia.
  18. (Ablation) The vaporisation of the surface layers of a body entering the atmosphere as a consequence of the heating that results from the compression of air ahead of it.
  19. (Ablation) The removal of organic material from the cornea by an excimer laser in laser eye surgery.
  20. (ablation) All processes that that remove snow or ice from a glacier or snowfield.
  21. (Ablation) The removal or destruction of tissue.
  22. (ablation) elimination or removal
  23. (Ablation) A process by where the atmosphere melts away and removes the surface material of an incoming meteorite.
  24. Ablation is a surgical procedure that removes or destroys tissue, or a specific part of an organ.
  25. (ABLATION) To remove or destroy tissue or a body part, such as by burning or cutting.