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abilities 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abilities, plural;
  1. The capacity to do something
    • - the manager had lost his ability to motivate the players
    • - the tax bears no relationship to people's ability to pay
  2. Talent that enables someone to achieve a great deal
    • - a man of exceptional ability
  3. (in the context of education) A level of mental power
    • - a student of below average ability
    • - students of all abilities
  4. A special talent or skill
    • - much depends on the person's abilities and aptitudes

  1. (ability) the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment
  2. (ability) possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
  3. (Ability (1910)) The Ability was a wooden Steamer that was scuttled off Newcastle, New South Wales on 3 June 1960 or off Sydney on 3 April 1965.
  4. (Ability (Fringe episode)) This is a list of episodes of the science fiction television series Fringe, which premiered on Fox on September 9, 2008. ...
  5. (Ability (UK magazine)) Ability is the publication targeting people who have difficulties using information technology. Originally it was a publication of the Disability Group of the British Computer Society, now by John Lamb Media Ltd, Norfolk, England
  6. (ability) The quality or state of being able; A skill or competence; A high level of skill or competence; Suitability or receptiveness to be acted upon
  7. (ability) the power to do something, either intellectual or physical.
  8. (ABILITY) natural man's proficiency to be sufficient in himself; the sufficiency that comes from God, which enables man to live victoriously in the world.
  9. (ABILITY) Achievement, Certainty, Commitment, Craftsmanship, Creativity, Confidence, Efficiency, Enterprise, Excellence, Inspiration, Intelligence, Leadership, Learning, Self-control, Skill, Superiority, Talent, Vision, Wisdom.
  10. (Ability) A characteristic that is indicative of competence in a field. (See also aptitude.)
  11. (Ability) A present competence to perform an observable behavior or a behavior that results in an observable product.
  12. (Ability) A synonym for extended header
  13. (Ability) After a debilitating illness, amputation or injury, functioning with an orthosis or prosthesis may initially seem formidable. Upon discharge from a hospital, many clients live independently and may not have the ability to master a highly sophisticated device.
  14. (Ability) An individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.
  15. (Ability) Cards played from the hand to cause some immediate impact to the game. Abilities can either be of the standard type, able to be played only during one's turn, or can be instant abilities, able to be played at virtually any time. ...
  16. (Ability) Having sufficient power, skill or resources. [D05600]
  17. (Ability) Having the means to perform certain tasks. The term "differently abled" may be preferable to some rather than "disabled" as it takes into account abilities that are held rather than those that are not.
  18. (Ability) One of the six basic character qualities: Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and Charisma (Cha). Previous versions of Dungeons & Dragons also included Luck and Comliness (attractiveness) as abilities. SEE ABILITY SCORES. (D&D 3.5)
  19. (Ability) Qualities we have as a person, which we have inherited from our parents.
  20. (Ability) The capacity to determine the application of knowledge and skills.
  21. (Ability) The knowledge, skills or other characteristics of a test taker measured by the test.
  22. (Ability) This is a term for a learnable, and hence improvable, capability of a character. It is a generic term for talents, skills and knowledges. Whereas each of these different types of ability can be used in the same way, they have different means of improvement.
  23. (Ability) statements refer to the power to perform an observable activity at the present time. This means that abilities have been proven through activities or behaviors that are similar to those required on the job, e.g., ability to plan and organize work. ...
  24. (Ability) the level of successful performance of the objects of measurement on the variable.
  25. (Ability) the natural equipment to accomplish some small part of the meaner ambitions distinguishing able men from dead ones.