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abbreviations 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abbreviations, plural;
  1. A shortened form of a word or phrase

  2. The process or result of abbreviating

  1. (abbreviate) abridge: reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
  2. shorten; "Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'"
  3. (abbreviated) (of clothing) very short; "an abbreviated swimsuit"; "a brief bikini"
  4. (abbreviation) a shortened form of a word or phrase
  5. (abbreviation) shortening something by omitting parts of it
  6. (abbreviated) Shortened; relatively short
  7. (abbreviation) A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole: Dr; The act or result of shortening or reducing; One or more dashes through the stem of a note, dividing it respectively into quavers, semiquavers, demi-semiquavers, or hemi-demi-semiquavers; ...
  8. (ABBREVIATE) An opiate derivative of tears.
  9. (Abbreviate) Verb Shorten,reduce,condense,compress,contract.
  10. (Abbreviated) A category for CTRP registration, trials in this category are Industrial trials. The design and implementation of these studies is controlled by the pharmaceutical company. A protocol document is not required for registration of trials in this category.
  11. (ABBREVIATION) a shortened form of a word or title. In zoological works genus-group names cited in binomial names of species are often abbreviated to one or two letters, which should always be followed by a full stop, and not used on the first mention of a name; similarly for specific names ...
  12. (ABBREVIATION) an abridgement or contraction of a word or phrase, often consisting of initial letters, used for concision in written communication or documentation; compare ACRONYM, BREVITY CODE, PROWORD, INTERCO, CODENAME, CODEWORD, NICKNAME, CIPHER, CODE.
  13. (Abbreviation) (1) (2nd to 10th century AD) contraction, superscript, first letter plus a radical (Cicero's Tironian) used to preserve precious parchment (S.P.Q.R. ...
  14. (Abbreviation) A shortening of a word or term (e.g., in. for inch, BC for British Columbia, Mr. for Mister, CLC for Canadian Labour Congress). (See Acronym)
  15. (Abbreviation) Isishunqulelo; Isifinyezo (acronym)
  16. (Abbreviation) LA (not Los Angeles)
  17. (Abbreviation) Unique organisation unit discriptor, two letters and six numbers.
  18. (Abbreviation) You can abbreviate nearly all commands and native functions to one or two characters.
  19. (Abbreviation) using just one word rather than a whole phrase. AUTHOR FOR WORK ("I love Melville" is briefer than "I love Melville's literary works) and WHOLE FOR PART ("I love Paris" likely does not include Paris's garbage, murderers, sewage, traffic jams, etc.).
  20. (The abbreviation) for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a branch of the United Nations (U.N.).
  21. (abbreviation) A form of oral-scribal intertexture where one text recites another but condenses or shortens the recited text. ...
  22. (abbreviation) A shortened text string that represents a term.
  23. This information is included in Appendix A: Abbreviations, which includes all abbreviations and acronyms used in the Factbook, with their expansions.
  24. shortcuts used in scripts such V.O., O.C.
  25. beg : beh : bkwd : C : CCW : cpl(s) : ct(s) : ctr : CW : diag : fig : ft : ftwk : fwd : L : LOD : M : meas : opp : orig : pos : ptr(s) : Q : R : RLOD : S : sdwd : shldr : tog : twd : W : wt :